While Planning for Your Presentatio
Identify your audience, purpose, and objectives.
Choose and narrow your topic.
Gather information to support your ideas.
Develop your main idea and outline your supporting points.
Decide how to get your audience’s attention.
Plan for transitions between ideas.
Plan a powerful conclusion.
Arrange for visual aids, facilities, and resources you will need.

During Practice
Speak aloud when practicing.
Memorize key parts of the speech.
If you plan to use notes in your speech, use them during practice.
Practice articulating words clearly.
Decide which words and ideas you want to emphasize.
Practice using pauses and variations in rate, loudness, and inflection.
Practice standing, walking, moving, and gesturing as you speak.
Time your presentation as you practice.

Before and During the Presentation
Adjust for last-minute changes and technical difficulties.
Stretch your muscles, and warm up your face, mouth, tongue, and voice
Channel nervousness or anxiety into enthusiasm
Try stretching and relaxation exercises.
Visualize yourself giving a successful presentation.
Breathe deeply, walk to the stage area with confidence, and set up your notes or visuals.
Begin your planned remarks while making eye contact with the audience.
Remember to speak slowly and clearly and use the gestures and movement you practiced.
Stay aware of the time and your audience’s reactions.
Adjust your voice, movement, gestures, and material as needed to suit the audience’s needs and the time frame.