Error de concepto Published by Alejo Lopez March 31st, 2022 Permalink El concepto es el concepto como decian en la pelicula Airbag..., y no es cuestion de discutirlo. Pero, el caso es qu... Financial, Management, Ideas, Risk
Acueducto de cashflow Published by Alejo Lopez March 5th, 2022 Permalink Hace unos días estuve viendo un documental sobre los acueductos romanos (se puede ver en y la ingeniería nec... It, Financial, Management, Risk
Understanding DSO: the good, the bad and the ugly Published by Alejo Lopez February 15th, 2022 Permalink In the famous spaghetti western, the characters must work somehow together to get the treasure they are searching for... None Accounting, Financial, Management, Risk
O2C and RPA, a path of discovery Published by Alejo Lopez February 15th, 2022 Permalink O2C, RPA ... sounds like a StarWars robot right? Well, they are not so far far away for your galaxy!The order-to-cash... Business, Financial, Management, Rpa
The buying dead Published by Alejo Lopez November 17th, 2021 Permalink Zombis! Empresas que no llegan a devolver la deuda que tienen con el dinero que ingresan, que apenas sirve para pag... Business, Financial, Management, Risk
Remora o Pez Piloto? Published by Alejo Lopez November 16th, 2021 Permalink Aguas cristalinas, una playa en el horizonte, el viento ondeando las velas, el agua salada golpeando la quilla,... id... Financial, Management, Risk
La hormiga y el barco Published by Alejo Lopez October 4th, 2021 Permalink "Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco" es una expresion atribuida a Benjamin Franklin, pe... Blog, Project, Business, Financial, Management, Risk
Cash is King, Cash is Water Published by Alejo Lopez September 14th, 2021 Permalink Sabiais que en términos generales, un individuo puede aguantar 40-50 días sin comer pero solo 3-5 días sin beber. EL ... Business, Financial, Management, Risk
Happy customers pay earlier Published by Alejo Lopez July 6th, 2021 Permalink Cash is King... , so improving cash flow is critical for any company (lowering liquidity risk, reducing borrowing cos... Accounting, Public, Financial, Management
Cash is King, King of Cash Published by Alejo Lopez March 30th, 2021 Permalink King of cash, el rey de oros de la baraja española.... Sabiais que los 4 "palos" dela baraja española representa(ban... Business, Financial, Management, Risk, Rpa