Order to Cash - Que es? Published by Alejo Lopez October 20th, 2020 Permalink Es término usado para describir un conjunto de operaciones comerciales para recibir y completar la venta. El ideal d... Financial, Management, Risk
CRM: ¿tecnología o procesos? Published by Alejo Lopez April 30th, 2019 Permalink Mucha gente me pregunta "Tu como es que sabes de CRM si no estas en el departamento comercial?" y mi respuesta es sie... Business, Financial, Management
P.A.Y. Should Be The Foundation Of Credit Published by Alejo Lopez January 9th, 2019 Permalink As credit managers our responsibility is to identify and minimize risk. That equates to making sound credit decisions... Work, Financial, Management, Risk
Morosidad y Rentabilidad Published by Alejo Lopez August 25th, 2016 Permalink El otro día un conocido me pregunto en que trabajaba y le dije que en una empresa que financiaba a otras empresas. ... Financial, Management, Risk, Fintech
100 distress indicators Published by Alejo Lopez June 1st, 2016 Permalink If you ever face a potencial customer that shows any or many of these bullet points.... watch out! They are split by ... Business, Financial, Risk
Drive backwards Published by Alejo Lopez March 6th, 2016 Permalink You know the feeling, you have to drive backwards, either you are parking or took the wrong turn and ended up in a de... Business, Financial, Risk
Cenas y Unicornios Published by Alejo Lopez December 11th, 2015 Permalink El otro dia estaba en una de las multiples celebraciones de estos dias prenavideños: cenas de empresa, cenas de amigo... Business, Financial, Fintech
12 things to remember before lending Published by Alejo Lopez November 24th, 2015 Permalink 1. Think that each loan is a challenge not a chore. Each loan is an opportunity to put to work the knowledge, the exp... Financial
Expansion de Empresas de P2P lending Published by Alejo Lopez November 21st, 2015 Permalink y lo que significa para los bancosLas empresas de P2P y P2B estan llevando a cabo progresivamente un proceso de expan... It, Business, Financial
May the force be with you my CreditWan Published by Alejo Lopez November 18th, 2015 Permalink The Ten Commandments of Commercial Credit: The C´s of the Force One of the first things credit analysts’ learn is th... Business, Financial, Lease