P.A.Y. Should Be The Foundation Of Credit Published by Alejo Lopez January 9th, 2019 Permalink As credit managers our responsibility is to identify and minimize risk. That equates to making sound credit decisions... Work, Financial, Management, Risk
Checklist for Conducting a Perfect Meeting Published by Alejo Lopez December 18th, 2016 Permalink BEFORE 1 What are my goals for this meeting? Are you looking to inform, elicit ideas, or make decisions? Eachrequires... Work, Business, Management
Fitch appraises the varying attributes of equipment leasing sectors Published by Alejo Lopez October 2nd, 2014 Permalink The truck, container, railcar and aircraft leasing sectors are commonly considered to share many common attributes.Th... Work, Blog, Business, Financial
Sale & Leaseback: The Boards struggle with new accounting rules Published by Alejo Lopez August 20th, 2014 Permalink Written by Andy Thompson, legal & regulatory editor Published: 18 August 2014 Created: 17 August 2014 The accountin... Work, Accounting
Preconcurso Published by Alejo Lopez March 11th, 2014 Permalink EL ARTÍCULO 5 BIS DE LA LEY CONCURSAL: EL MAL LLAMADO “PRECONCURSO". El Concurso de Acreedores es un proceso judicia... Work, Blog, Accounting, Legal
Indemnizacion exenta del IRPF Published by Alejo Lopez February 27th, 2014 Permalink La Audiencia Nacional, en su sentencia de 20/11/2013, ha equiparado la indemnización percibida por un trabajador por ... Work, Tax, Blog
Novedades Fiscales Presupuestos 2014 Published by Alejo Lopez February 10th, 2014 Permalink Novedades Fiscales de la Ley de Presupuestos para el 2014 El pasado 23 de diciembre de 2013 se publicaba en el B.O.E.... Work, Tax, Blog, Legal
Licencia Unica Published by Alejo Lopez January 8th, 2014 Permalink LUZ VERDE A LAS "LICENCIAS UNICAS" CON LA NUEVA LEY DE GARANTIA DE LA UNIDAD DE MERCADO La actual dispersión norm... Work, Tax, Blog, Accounting
LEY 14/2013 apoyo emprendedores Published by Alejo Lopez October 9th, 2013 Permalink El pasado 28 de septiembre de 2.013 se publicó en el BOE la Ley 14/2013, de 27 de septiembre, de apoyo a los emprende... Work, Tax, Accounting
Que es tipo de interes? Published by Alejo Lopez October 9th, 2013 Permalink Si, si,.. todo el mundo sabe que es el tipo de interes... ya... igual que todo el mundo sabe jugar al ajedrez... o no... Work, Accounting